ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Georg Dorffner
Medical University of Vienna

                  Dorffner Georg

[Personal] [Positions] [Education] [Career] [Research] [Projects] [Publications]
[Teaching] [Activities] [Miscellaneous] [Address]

born and resident in Vienna, married to Gabriele Dorffner, PhD, three children

Associate Professor, Institute of Artifical Intelligence of the Center for Medical Data Science, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Curriculum Director for the Master Program Medical Informatics at the Medical University of Vienna

Business Developer and Head of Clinical Trials at The Siesta Group Schlafanalyse GmbH

1985: M.S. in electrical engineering/communication engineering,
Vienna University of Technology

1985: M.S. in computer science, Vienna University of Technology

1987: M.S. in computer science, Indiana University

1989: Ph.D. in computer science (minor: linguistics), Indiana University

1994: "Habilitation" in the field of Artificial Intelligence with a thesis on"Artficial Neural Networks: Theory and Application in Medicine" and subsequent tenure, University of Vienna.

Professional Career, Past Positions
1985: Research assistant at the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence

1985-1986: Research assistant at the Phonetics Lab, Indiana University

1987-1995: Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, University of Vienna

1987-2007: Head of the Neural Computation and Robotics Group, Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence

1996: Visiting Scholar at Boston University, Psychology Dept. (Jan-Feb)

2002-2014: Founder and Managing Director of The Siesta Group GmbH

2010-2013: Senior Manager at Philips Respironics

2018-2020: Interim head of the Section for Artifical Intelligence and Decision Support of the Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics and Intelligent Systems, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Current research interests
  • Machine learning  (e.g. neural networks, Bayesian inference)
  • Medical signal and image analysis, time series processing
  • Neuroinformatics

Major projects



  • Data Science for Personalized Medicine (coordinator)

  • Deep learning for improved nuclei segmentation and knowledge transfer methods in microscopic images; (FFG Bridge, co-PI, partners: Prof. Isabella Ellinger, MedUni Wien, Dr. Rupert Ecker, TissueGnostics GmbH)

  • Imaging neuronal circuits of the preforntal cortex during a gambling task (WWTF, co-PI, main PI: Thomas Klausberger)

  • Multi-sensor sleep modeling based on contextual data fusion (FWF)
  • SENSATION: Advanced sensor development for attention, stress, vigilance and sleep/wakefulness monitoring (EU FP6 IST)
  • MACS: Multi-sensory Autonomous Cognitive Systems Interacting with Dynamic Environments for Perceiving and
    Using Affordances (EU FP6 Cognitive Systems)
  • MindRaces: From Reactive to Anticipatory Cognitive Embodied Systems (EU FP6 Cognitive Systems)
  • MONOTONE - processing modelling in the printing industry (EU FP5 GROWTH)
  • SIGNAL - Systemic architectures for growing neural artefacts that live (EU FP5 IST-FET)
  • Adaptive Models in Economics and Management Science: Computational Intelligence (FWF SFB)
  • SIESTA: development of a new standard for polysomnographic sleep analysis (EU Biomed-2)
  • NEUFODI (Neural Networks for Forecasting and Diagnosis Applications) (EU Esprit-II)
  • Enhancement of EEG-Based Diagnosis of Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders by Artificial Neural Networks (EU Biomed 1)
  • Statistical tools and knowledge transfer for ECANSE

Recent publications:

Courses in Machine Learning, Neural Computation, Neuroinformatics, Connectionism and related fields at the Medical University of Vienna, and, formerly, at the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany, and the Vienna University of Technology.

Courses in Science in Medicine, Statistics, Clinical Research, and Project Studies for students of Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna, as part of their curriculum for Human Medicine.

Currently offered courses (old descriptions in German)

Old course descriptions:

In addition, supervision of masters' and PhD theses for students of Medicine or Medical Informatics

Past activities

Workshops and symposia

  • 2001: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2001)
  • 1988-2008: Symposium "Neural Networks and Adaptive System" at the
  • European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR)
  • 1997: post-NIPS workshop on Neural Models of Conceptual Learning
  • 1997: First Austrian Workshop on Neural Networks


Contact address
Georg Dorffner, PhD, MS

Institute of Artificial Intelligence
Center for Medical Data Science
Medical University of Vienna

Währinger Str. 25a, A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Email: Georg <dot> Dorffner <at> Meduniwien <dot> ac <dot> at
Tel: +43-1-40160-36316
Mobile: +43-664-4223987

Last update: Jun 24, 2024